My story goes as follows…
My story is an odd one: Starting off as a health science major, I realized that the medical field is not where my passions lie, and well, would you want a doctor that hates their job? I realized my passion for UX after taking a Usability Testing course, instantly falling in love with constructing surveys, conducting user interviews, and working with all the data that comes with it.
Throughout the course of my Bachelor’s degree I have conducted various usability reports, interviews, and journey maps for a variety of different websites. However, it’s about what you learn from it! Each project I’ve worked on has left me with invaluable insight that has helped me bring my best foot forward.
Starting off my university experience as a clueless freshman and ending as a freshly graduated senior with his sights set high is something truly incredible, and I am elated to be able to put my love for the craft to work and make a difference in the world!